We are in unprecedented times as the global Covid-19 pandemic continues to evolve daily. This is a concerning time for many, but also a time when the health, safety and well-being of our global egg community is vitally important.

The strength of the IEC lies in its ability to bring our industry together to collaborate, share best practice and knowledge, and this is never more important than during challenging times.

Many of our members have developed resources to support their national industry or business through this time, and we now have a dedicated area on our website to share these with the wider egg community.

This is available to all members of the IEC, and currently includes resources from United Egg Producers, the German Poultry Association, Australian Eggs and the latest information from the WHO and OIE. This will be updated as we receive more information from you, our members.

(Please note members must be logged in to view these resources)

Sharing experience and information has always played a key role in the success of the IEC, and we would like to thank our members who have already shared their advice and resources with us.

If you would like to contribute to this global sharing of information and experience, please email info@internationalegg.com