Representing the Industry

The IEC represents the egg industry at a global level.

Relationships with Global Organisations

The IEC is recognised by and is actively engaged with the following leading international and inter-governmental bodies.

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Working for the Egg Industry

Associated with the IEC is the World Egg Organisation (WEO), International Egg Nutrition Centre (IENC), a network for human nutrition professionals; International Egg Foundation (IEF), a global charity; Egg Processors International (EPI), an international network for egg processors; Global Initiative for Sustainable Eggs (GISE), a multi stakeholder sustainability project and World Egg Day (WED).

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Position Statements

As the global voice of the egg industry, the IEC has the responsibility to discuss industry issues as well as to maintain links with other international organisations. The IEC is able to act as a communication link between industry and international regulators / decision makers, and therefore takes positions on a range of issues, once agreed by IEC members and approved by the IEC Council.

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