Director of Research and Development 

Educated in Animal Genetics at the Agriculture University of Wageningen, The Netherlands, Frans van Sambeek started his career as a Layer geneticist at Hypeco–CPI–Bovans before moving to Hendrix in 1991. He has held various positions and has been responsible for the development and breeding programmes of all lines; Bovans, Hisex, Dekalb, ISA, Shaver and Babcock. Since 2009 he has held the position of Director of Research and Development at Institut de Sélection Animale, the layer breeding division of Hendrix Genetics at Boxmeer. He is responsible for all research and development and breeding programmes of ISA worldwide. Part of this role includes links to the Research and Technology Center of Hendrix Genetics and to Universities and research institutes.

He has also been a member of the board of primary breeders at the Dutch organisation for poultry farmers. This included membership of several advisory and working groups focusing on research and animal welfare.